However, even the larger studios are increasing their productivity all the time (via new technologies, faster machines, better artists, etc), and the "average time to do a shot" is getting less all the time, it seems.
Of course, the biggest X factor in all of this has to do with the content of the shot. I've done a shot in a couple hours (of a hand, in the movie A.I.) but I also got bogged down for about 6 weeks on a shot in Hulk. On Transformers, we had a really streamlined situation with a really fast feedback loop, a lot of amazing animation tools at our disposal, and terrific animation rigs, all of which helped us get our animation time down dramatically. One shot I did of Bonecrusher on the highway only took a few days, while another took closer to 4 weeks - so, yet again, it all depends on the number of characters and what they are doing in the shot. It's always going to take longer to animate a giant robot tackling another robot in slow motion than it will to animate one robot skating down a highway. (There's an example I never would have thought that I'd have at my disposal! ha ha ha)
Shawn :)
Thanks Shawn
This blog totally rocks, i check it every day before i start animating at the games company i work for, please keep it up!
wont be long before its a creative goldmine!
That example is awesome, you are a very lucky an indeed for working on Transformers. Are you going to work on the sequel?
Productivity and time management, definitely two of the things I struggle with and can improve in my work.
Your post made me look at it in a much more realistic way you though to cheers for that.
Great reading Shawn, keep it up, looking forward for some more animation goodness.
I too wanted to just say i am loving the blog. Great move!
Hello Shawn!
First, great article once again and great question!
I was reading this last article and you talk about a scene that you animated in slow motion that took more time than a regular shot in normal speed.
My question is, how do you approach a slow motion animation? Do you you set your keys in a rough real time (24fps) and then tweak keys to make it look slower or you set the keys straight into a slower timing to give the slow motion look?
Thanks again for the great info!
Have a good one!
hey Shawn, great blog, loving it as well.
been reading the tips and tricks book too, thanks for doing all of this.
Yes, yes - love it too... It's interesting to hear about the "real" industry... I would LOVE to get an animation job some day but unfortunately I live in the south east. Want to write about how to find work for someone like me?
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