Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Demo Reel Dos and Don’ts with Carlos Baena

Hey Aspiring Animators,

We want to let you know that we’re having a free webinar on Demo Reel Dos and Don’ts hosted by Carlos Baena on July 9!

Carlos Baena, who is an animator at Pixar Animation Studios and a cofounder of Animation Mentor, will speak to common mistakes animators make when creating their demo reels and how to stand out from the rest. Carlos movie credits include Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, Ratatouille, and the recently released WALL-E. He was nominated for the coveted 2006 Annie Award for his Individual Achievement for Character Animation in a feature production on Cars.

Click on this link for more information or check out


Julien Abenhaim said...

Awesome news, Shawn! :D

Thomas Yu said...

Sounds Cool!

Chan Ghee Leow said...

Hi Shawn. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful tips and tricks. I'm an aspiring animator hoping to get a break in feature films one day, and I'm just soaking up all these notes as much as I can.

I've got a demo reel related question: I'm comfortable enough animating in Maya, but I also really love hand-drawn animation and I'm thinking about developing my demo reel in 2D. The question is, will I still be able to apply for a 3D animator's position using a 2D reel?

Thanks Shawn!

Ian said...


Sorry to drop in an unrelated comment, but I was hopping to ask about or request a topic for a future post. I've noticed that a feature of the Animation Mentor graduate animation is great walks, they seem mechanically spot on and always have a strong scene of attitude.

I've been animating for some time, but still haven't herd or seen a definitive breakdown of what to do with a characters balance and weight when walking. How long if at all do you have a character off balance for in a walk? Obviously this varies according to attitude (stomping to creeping) and mas (a heavy or light character), but I would love to hear how you work out what your going to do in this regard. Do you animate the body movement first and then just get the legs working under the body as needed? Or do you place out your foot positions and then place the body relative to the feet so as to have the weight over the feet at specific times?


Kevin said...

Hey Shawn,

Thanks for the great blog! I have a couple questions regarding frame rate. In my 3D animation classes that I have taken so far, I have had different instructors require different frame rates to use when working on shorts or even when doing exercises. Some have said 24 fps, while others have told me 30 fps, citing the fact that since we are not animating for film, there is no reason to use the frame rate native to film (24).

On top of screwing up my sense of timing from class to class, it has made constructing a demo reel made up of pieces with different frame rates a nightmare. This situation has led me to the following questions:

As an aspiring 3D animator looking to do work for film, telvision, or games, what frame rate should I use from now on? Does animation done for television have a different frame rate than animation done for film? Thanks again!

Ian said...

There is a great free program called VirtualDub that can convert the frame rate of an AVI (in the video pull down menu). Doesn't help with your inconsistent teachers, but could make compiling your demo reel easier.

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