Dear Animators,
Animation Mentor has released its 2008 Summer Student Showcase, a reel that is the compilation of work from 31 students from all over the world. The showcase, which is the fourth installment to date, is a testimony to why so many of Animation Mentor graduates have landed jobs at studios.
The showcase exhibits our students understanding and principles of body mechanics, weight, character arc, acting techniques, and demonstrates our students’ ability to show emotion and concepts that add life and originality to characters.
Check it out! We hope you are inspired by the innovative work and continue with much gusto on your own animation journey.
All the Best,
Animation Mentor Staff
This showcase is wicked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Well done to all the students who made it in. It was very inspiring to watch.
Keep up the great work everyone.
wow soo amazing the quality of the animation is getting better and better!!
very inspiring
That is absolutely awesome! Loved watching every second of it...
My favourite clip by a long shot though is the dance in the music shop. The animation is incredible and it's hilarious too! I can't stop reviewing it, it's so inspiring.
Thanks for posting!
Hey Shawn.
I have a question about Animation Mentor...
Animation Mentor seems great in just about every aspect, except one thing... If I was to go to a standard design school and take animation as a subject, I'd get to meet new people and make good friends, and see them everyday at the school. This would be a great opportunity to socialise and get to know people who are living in my area. However, as I see it, with AM, although I'm sure you get to know new people, I probably wouldn't meet any of these people, especially as I'm living way down here in New Zealand.
I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on this, because I picture a classroom with several other students in it more enjoyable to sitting at home alone and talking to people over the internet... but then I feel that Animation Mentor probably offers a much better course than a standard school...
Look forward to hearing what you think on this.
I liked the previous two showcases much more. I think they were more though off and the music was picked out more properly. The animation scenes in this one are great - no complaints about that. The previous ones were much more moving and exciting to watch. Also as I notices in this one there is much more from the final short movies of the students as in others there were more of their other jobs. I really liked watching how simple basic foundations are animated in such fun and creative way. I have watched the previous two showcases numerous times and showed it to many people (quite by force, as they are not that into animation as I am). So all in all it was good, but you can do it much better.
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Very interesting and good Explanation
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