I know most of you already know about this, but just in case you haven't heard, Animation Mentor is going to be hosting a tribute to two of the most influential animators of all time, Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. Any animator would recognize their names - if not from the giant pile of Disney movies they helped give to the world, then from one of their amazing books - the most famous of which is the world-renowned "Illusion Of Life," commonly referred to as the "animator's bible."
Frank & Ollie, particularly with The Illusion Of Life, were a huge influence on most of us, and along with the rest of the "Nine Old Men," they truly pioneered all the stuff we've been talking about here on the Tips 'N Tricks blog. I might be able to talk about some of these animation concepts a little bit, but these are two of the guys who figured this stuff out in the first place.
If not for them, this blog probably wouldn't exist. In fact, along with their peers, they brought Walt's visions to life in all of those early Disney films, and created a love for animation around the entire globe. So, if not for them and their contemporaries, it's entirely possible that this entire industry might not exist, let alone the art of animation in general. They not only kept it alive through the early years of animation, they pioneered countless innovations that grew it from it's primitive beginnings into the amazing art that we know today.
I couldn't be more proud that we have the opportunity to honor these incredible artists' lives, and am blown away by the panel of animators who will be talking about what it was like to work with Frank & Ollie. We're going to be looking at some animation examples and talking about Frank & Ollie's contributions to this art we so love, have some audience Q&A, and we'll also be showing some exclusive never-before-scene footage of the pair talking about animation.
Some people have been asking if we'll be posting this stuff online, and unfortunately it looks like that probably isn't going to be able to happen, so if you're at all interested in this and will be anywhere near LA next week, be sure to stop by! I believe you'll need a Siggraph pass to get in, but even if this one gathering is the only Siggraph event you can attend, it's sure to be worth it.
DATE: Wednesday, August 13, 2008
TIME: 10:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. (Doors close at 10:15 a.m.)
LOCATION: Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center
Check out Bobby's blog for more info, and hopefully I'll see you guys there. I really think this is going to be special.
Shawn :)
Hey Shawn
I have a question about work flow, or learning a work flow that's probably a little different. Over the past few months there have been quite a few posts across the blogsphere where animators have described their system for animating, often in elaborate detail.
I teach animation part time and one thing I find quite challenging is helping students find a work flow that is right for them. The problem being that everyone has a slightly different approach, as is illustrated by all the blog posts out there. In some ways I think an animator dose not get to choose their work flow, rather your work flow chooses you, I guess its often the one that makes sure you set aside time to address the things you may naturally underplay or value. There are so many variations that I don't think any teacher could try them all for long enough to assess their individual strengths and weaknesses, and even then something that seamed like a weaknesses to me may be a strength for someone else.
Do you think that students should be able to find their own work flow? Or should they start out by having one dictated to them that they might amend later after they have all the principles down pat?
Do you still use the same work flow you were taught as a student or by your mentor?
What advice would you give to students who are trying to find a work flow that is right for them?
Hey Shawn, it was three kinds of kickass finally getting to meet you. That was some party Tuesday night! Rock on brotha!
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