Monday, July 20, 2009

Free Webinar Replay Celebrates the Life of Walt Stanchfield

Animation Mentor recently hosted a free webinar ‘Passing on the Legacy: The Power of Mentorship.’ The webinar featured a live conversation between Animation Mentor CEO Bobby Beck and Disney Animation Producer Don Hahn about Walt Stanchfield, a well-known animator who mentored an entire generation of Disney animators. Famous for gesture drawing, he taught weekly drawing classes at Disney Animation for many years.

For the first time, these lessons have been collected in two illustrated books edited by Don Hahn. The books are titled Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Classes. If you missed the webinar, you can watch a replay of the discussion about the life, work and teachings of Disney legend Walt Stanchfield by going here:

Let us know what you think!


Dawid said...

Hey guys!!

Thank you so much for organizing this webinar. I was able to join only at the end so I am very happy that it is possible to see the reply of it.


Dawid said...

Forgot to add that it was an hounour for me to participate in a video conference together with Don Hahn!!! I have these books and I would recommend to anyone with the slightest interest in animation and/or drawing. They are full of amazing knowledge you wont find in any other book. They are unique.

Bobby Beck, you did very good job at hosting the webinar! Thanks!

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