In terms of efficiency, there’s definitely a balance between working to people’s strengths and what they ultimately want to do on a show. For example, if an animator is very good at complex physical animation, I’ll obviously want to throw those kinds of shots their way. They’ll be able to knock them out of the park quickly and I’ll know that the quality will be there. But if they really want to try out some subtle acting, it’s important to recognize that and allow them the opportunity. Seeing someone’s face light up when they get a shot that challenges them and inspires them goes a long way on a hard production schedule. I know it might take them a little longer then someone who specializes in that particular style, but they make up for it with their enthusiasm. Making sure I give my team those opportunities is one way I can help foster teamwork and efficiency. If everyone’s in a good mood, everyone works hard. Makes sense right?
Guest Blogger Chris Williams
Hello Chris!
I totally agree with this one. It's much more fun at the end of the day when people feel comfortable about asking feedback to our peers and getting critique... in the end we all want to make a good film/tv show/game!
Thank you for the post!
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