Look for contrast between your poses. Unless the acting is very subtle, the character won't be in the same shape for the shot. Use reversals in shape, as well as moments of compression (squash) and extension (stretch)to add texture.
Remember, the key poses are your main storytelling poses. Be sure that they support the key beats of the shot. They may signify a change in the character's emotional state or a change in posture or screen position. And they must be clear.
Say you wanted to find the keys poses from a scene starring Tom Hanks. You get out your scissors and slice up the film, as doing this to a blue-ray would be extremely hard. Now you search through all the frames looking for the extreme moments that tell the story of what the scene is about. These will be the frames that are the most clear and readable. And most of the time you will probably be looking for the extreme change in facial expression or body posture.
The face is super important, when we go to the movies we aren't watching Woody's left arm. But let us not forget the importance of body language. When I block a scene I key the character from top to bottom, including the facial expression and phoneme. I want the pose to be a complete picture of my intent for that character at that point and time. Often times however, before I add the face I will focus on the body alone. Is the body communicating my intent effectively? If I watch my blocking with no facial animation of any kind...is it working..is it clear? Once your character has strong, clear body language, the facial animation is the icing on the cake.
Guest Blogger Ray Chase
Thanks for the tips! Very helpful!
Thanks Ray for reminding the basics of posing. I just want to know whether we can reverse the spine against the line of action when there is a situation of tension?
Again, thanks for your inspirational post.
Thanks Rajesh. My thinking is that if you reversed the spine to show tension you would then create a new line of action. Possibly going from a forward C into a straight or reversed C.
One thing to remember, is that there are no hard rules in animation. Rules are broken all the time to make a shot work...you just need to be aware that your breaking them and for good reason.
Thank you very much Ray for clearing doubt in my mind. I also follow your idea to convert stepped keys into plateau.
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