Monday, June 30, 2008

Animator Vs. Animation Supervisor

Here’s a question that was sent to the that I think will resonate with many animators: How do you feel about remaining an Animator where you’re still involved with hands-on animation versus being promoted to an Animation Supervisor or Director where you are managing a team and providing critiques?

It's a really good question you bring up, and it's something that many animators eventually face as they become more and more experienced. It can be difficult -- weighing the pros and cons of actively pursuing a promotion like that. On the one hand, you'd have a lot more prestige, more say in the final product, and probably a nice pay-raise. On the other hand, you'd be spending a huge amount of your time in meetings, you'd probably animate a fraction as much as you would as an animator, and you have to deal with all the politics and demanding responsibilities of that role, not to mention the enormous pressure of performing at a high level and constantly trying to impress the studio heads and their all-important client.

I guess this is something that everyone eventually has to decide for themselves.
Since you ask about me personally, I used to say that I never wanted to be a Lead Animator or a Supervisor, because I always want to be doing the actual animation, and I feared that in a leadership role, I would no longer have that chance. For a long time, because of that, I never pursued any kind of Lead role.

However, a great opportunity came up and I had my first chance at being a Lead animator recently (for Transformers), and I have to say, I really had a blast. It was such a fun experience, I learned a ton from my fellow Leads and my Animation Director (Scott Benza), and it was really an amazing feeling to have a little bit bigger impact on the film than I would have otherwise.

So, for me, the lesson was that while I feared that I wouldn't like being a Lead, it actually turned out to have been my all-time favorite project, and while the work was incredibly challenging, I've never had more fun. For me, the trade-off of having more pressure and responsibility was totally worth it, and I'm really excited to be doing it again.

As for moving up to being a Supervisor, though, that's still another story. I really tip my hat to those guys - the longer I'm in this industry, the more I see how difficult that job is on so many different levels. For myself, I'm just not ready for a job like that, in every possible sense. I have a lot to learn before I could even start to think about that, and on top of that, there are incredibly talented people at work who I would definitely put in that role long before me.
I guess I've learned just enough about this stuff to know that I have a lot more to learn before I'm ready to be the Captain of the ship. For now, I'm just having a blast enjoying the ride, and learning as much as I can from my Captains along the way...

Shawn :)


twicE said...

I was so excited when I found the link to your tips and tricks website....and I really wanna say thank you that you share all your experience and knowledge with everyone. It's really hard to find some good information about Animation in germany, so blogs like yours are totally awesome to see...can't wait to get my highschool done and check out animationmentor myself^^

so thanks for everything shawn,
and btw about the article....I'm glad to hear that u had such a great time on transformers....I've seen it about 8 times now...AND IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Alex M. Lehmann said...

Hi Shawn,

Thanks for starting this blog, it helps to not loose any of the precious advice you are giving. About the topic animator vs. lead animator/supervisor: I seem to be in the rare position of really wanting to become a supervisor one day. I love working in teams, seeing people's talent evolve (and help them find it), and taking the responsibility for my team. I always liked that, and even though I have so, so much to learn still - that has always been my dream.

When do you think you know you are ready for a position as lead/supervisor? What can I do to head into that direction? Am I an exception among animators to have that wish? Whenever I talk to other animators I seem to be the only one loving this kind of "organizing", "planning", "leading", and "animation" job... what do you think?

Thanks a bunch again and God bless,


Anonymous said...

I think if you truly want to make the project amazing and to also help your fellow animators achieve that vision, i.e. if your heart is in the right, place then the position of animation supervisor could be a great and rewarding experience.

However, if you desire the post simply for personal glory or just because it's financially the last way to move up, then you may find yourself unhappy and missing out on one of the greatest things about working in this industry which is the satisfaction of creating magic and breathing life into characters hands on.

Personally, I wouldn't feel like I was ready to be a supervisor until I had exhausted everything there is to know about the craft. . . so personally I don't think that'd ever be a job for me.

The other thing I think a lot of animators have a bit of a problem with is that a lot of times supervisors, especially young supes have to be comfortable telling much older and more experienced animators what to do and that can be intimidating in and of itself.

I have a ton of respect for those that are supervisors and enormous gratitude for having been privileged to have worked along side some really great ones.

[quote from gladiator]
Marcus Aurelius: Won't you accept this great honor that I have offered you?

Maximus: With all my heart, no.

Marcus Aurelius: Maximus, that is why it must be you.

Anonymous said...

Just as there may be people who don't feel attracted to that specific job because they will not be the ones animating, some others may actually like it.
However I also think that someone would eventually have to take the job because a ship cannot be without it's capitain... just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

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