Thursday, September 17, 2009

Could You Please Explain the Animation Term Pendulum?

Hi Drhuv! Thanks for stopping by!

A pendulum isn't really a "term," it's an object. A pendulum is basically a weighted object hanging from some kind of base. If the base is moved, that weighted object is going to swing side to side. Many clocks are pendulum clocks (such as "grandfather clocks") which you'd recognize by the swinging pendulum beneath the clock face.

We use pendulums in our animation exercises because the idea of a pendulum clearly illustrates the concept of "successive breaking of joints" and overlapping animation.

Let's simplify the idea of a pendulum and imagine a base and a weighted object hanging from the base, with two joints connecting the weighted object to the base. Well, let's say someone kicks the base. What's the going to happen to the weighted object? Well, nothing at all, at first! First the base must move, which will move the first joint hanging down. Then the next joint will get moved. THEN the weighted object will get moved. The energy needs to travel down that chain of events to finally reach its destination at the heavy object, right?

This idea is something that we use throughout the body when animating. The spine is, in a way, in inverted pendulum rising up from a "base" (the hips). The arms can be thought of as pendulums hanging from the shoulder in certain circumstances. The tail of a critter is kind of a pendulum hanging from their backsides. The way a tree sways in the wind might be like an inverted pendulum connected to the ground.

The pendulum movement teaches us about a wave action that happens in any multi-jointed or organic object, and that's why you probably see it mentioned around animation sites.

Hope that answers your question! Thanks for writing in, Drhuv!

Shawn :)


Dane said...

Hey Shawn, amazing site, love reading all these tips, really inspiring and encouraging.

i wasn't sure where to e-mail, so i hope you read this comment.

I don't know whether ILM do, but:

"At studios where you are using propietary software, like Marionette at Pixar, how did you find the transition from software you used?"



cez said...

Hi, I want to try that exercise, just one technical question. Should I use IK(spline?) or FK for it?



Mahesh said...

Hi i'm Mahesh ,

Hey that's great example ,
still i'm little confused ,

for successive breaking of joints
if impulse in root is getting transferred ,
impulse = f(large)*t

what if f is occurring in periodic manner , like f1 is getting transferred in chain, but after f1 , f2 is occurring at root and same f3....

how it will affect if its like
1. f1< f2 < f3...
2. f1 > f2 >f3..
3.if f1,f2,

are random ,
will it matter ?

if someone wants to help , please guide me ..
thanks ...:)


Animation Mentor Staff said...

Hi Dane,

Transitioning to proprietary is usually simple and have a lot of internal support to walk you through the (usually optional) proprietary tools. Almost all 3d animation software use the same basic tools: translate, rotate, scale, set/move keys, adjust splines/inbetweens, etc. If you have a solid understanding of using these tools then you can animate in almost any software. The proprietary software just adds extra tools that make animation easier and quicker. These may include GUI pickers, Key Pose/Splining editors, constraint creation, arc trackers, lip sync tools, etc. Most studios will provide training classes in their more complex proprietary tools when you begin, with much more in-depth classes for those transitioning from 2D. But really, as long as you understand the basics of 3d animation software, you shouldn’t have much trouble transitioning!

- Animation Mentor Staff

Animation Mentor Staff said...

Hello Cez,

FK is the easiest and most visually intuitive, especially if you are just learning the concepts, but IK does pose an extra (possibly unnecessary) challenge. With FK you need not worry about going “off model” of the pendulum, you just rotate the arm and it remains the same length. In IK, you have to make sure the lengths of the arms connecting the bell and the base remain constant as the bell swings as well as tracking the arcs of the bell.

-Animation Mentor Staff

Animation Mentor Staff said...

Hi Mahesh,

A major rule of animation is “do not get stuck in real life formulas”! You are creating the exaggeration of life (and mechanics), not the mathematical replication. Yes, in physics “impulse = force * time” but if you try to determine the precise mathematical transfer of energy into movement in your character’s coordinates you are wasting your time! Sure, you could show a ball falling at 9.8 m/s and have its position mathematically accurate in the software, but the animation would not look as good as if you exaggerated the fall and bounces. Even realistic animation is exaggerated, it is just harder to see.

Instead working too hard with the formulas to make things look real, try finding/creating reference of what you are trying to do and learn from it. This is a good example of the pendulum exercise that should answer your questions:

-Animation Mentor Staff

Mahesh said...

Thank you very much ..

In this pendulum exercise, watching frame by frame really helps to see the transfer of force,

and i will definitely not make anything more complicate using formulas ,

Its really great belief , thanks again...

Dane said...

thanks for replying, appreciate it, keep the great posts coming!

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